Quarantine Service

Valley of Peace offers you New Zealands only purpose built, all weather quarantine facility with agistment, Importing and Exporting services aswell. We have the full support and approval of the New Zealand Bio-security department, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, otherwise known as MAF. Our all weather facility will house up to 3 seperate quarantine consignments at the same time, a total of 100 animals.

We were the first in New Zealand to start exporting to Europe. We have completed exports to Spain, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, France, Norway and the UK. We have also exported to Japan and China. We have a network of people and organizations that we work with that together provide a up to date, state of the art service that brings your alpaca from here to there, where ever that may be.


Importing and Agistment of Australian purchased animals is something that we can provide for, we help arrange the import process starting by lodging import permits with MAF followed by all transportation requirements from the Airport to Valley of Peace and back again.We provide agistment for your animals on site at Valley of Peace Alpacas Ltd for the required period of time. Our service is top quality, proven and very competitively priced.

The facility itself has a large indoor covered yard area for winter importing and exporting. A shearing shed, veterinary table and equipment are all located on site. Pasture control has been a priority grazing brooms, clovers and other low or no enderfite grasses being sown. You can utilize our expert, secure, year round quarantine service at a very competitive rate.




Contact us for more information and we can provide you with a personalized Estimate for you.